
Getting Started

Quick start guide.

Add Inventory

To start managing your inventory with our plugin, you will naturally need to add your items to the system. To add a new inventory item, simply click Inventory on the main navigation menu, then click New Item, just like you would add a new post to your WordPress site.

New Item

You will be able to specify the item name, SKU, description, as well as default cost and price.

Add Purchase

Once you added some inventory data to the system, you can start managing it. Lets get some items purchased to replenish your stock.

Go to the Transactions menu, then click New Purchase.

You can specify the new purchase order reference number (it can be auto-generated for you), set the issue date, add the required inventory items for your purchase order, and specify the supplier if neccessary.

Regarding the state of your new purchase:

New Purchase

Once you get active purchases, your newly received items will increase the available stock count. You will be able to make sales and earn some money!

Add Sale

Go to the Sales menu, then click New Sale.

You can specify the new sale reference number (it can be auto-generated for you), set the issue date, add the required inventory items for your sales order, and customer contact info if needed.

The system automatically adds the sales price you previously defined in the inventory part, and it also shows the avialable stock count so you always know what you can sell.

The state of sales is similar to that of purchases:

Once you have active sales, your inventory stock count will be decreased by the number of the sold items. Make sure you replenish your stock to keep your customers happy!


Our plugin provides a variety of configuration options. Go to Settings to fine tune your system. You can define your currency, price view formatting, data and time format options, defined automatic generation options for reference numbers for sales, purchases, and more.