
Supplier management

If you need to create multiple purchase orders from the same supplier, it makes sense to store their information for subsequent reuse.

Our inventory management plugin comes with the supplier contact management module. It allows you to keep track of your suppliers and their contact information in one central location. This can save you plenty of time when you need to get in touch with a supplier for any reason, or just send a new purchase order to a seller that you already dealt with before.

Create new supplier contact

Select supplier for a purchase order

Now as you have the supplier details stored in the contacts database, you can link them to any new purchase record for your inventory.

Archive a supplier

If you won't be sending any new purchase orders to a particular supplier, you can archive them. When you archive a supplier, they move to the Archive tab. You can restore an archived supplier at any time.

After your archive a supplier, they won't be included in the suppliers contact list by default. So it helps to maintain your actual suppliers list relevant and concise. If you still need to update contact details of an archived supplier, or restore them, please choose the Show Archived option in the Filter form.

Display archived suppliers